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20th Anniversary Review

Created on 21 July 2014 Hits: 4155
Jags Celebrate 20 Years First and foremost the Southampton Jaguars would like to thank Nicholas Perry ( @Nickperry22 ) for all his time and effort into arranging the 20th Anniversary Game and making it happen.
They would also like to extend their grattitude to Chris Orme ( @ormie31 ) for assiting our Nick Perry and also the lovely Fiona Orme for baking the cake.
And lastly the club would like to extend their appreciation to the valiant Steve Jeffery for his service, time and commitment to the club over the past 20 years. ( also a big thankyou to Jane Jeffery).
First and foremost the Southampton Jaguars would like to thank Nicholas Perry ( @Nickperry22 ) for all his time and effort into arranging the 20th Anniversary Game and making it happen.
They would also like to extend their grattitude to Chris Orme ( @ormie31 ) for assiting our Nick Perry and also the lovely Fiona Orme for baking the cake.
And lastly the club would like to extend their appreciation to the valiant Steve Jeffery for his service, time and commitment to the club over the past 20 years. ( also a big thankyou to Jane Jeffery).

The fifty or so of us in attendance saw a game celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Southampton Jaguars Inline Hockey Club.
It was an utterly partizan view of the Jags, showcasing their legendary players of the past and present.
Speaking to fans and ex-players, the game paints the club as the apex not just of BRHA, or even BIPHA, but of UK Inline Hockey.

Also after this Anniversary game there will be a documentary about the Jags, which was directed by Nicholas Perry ( @Nickperry22 ).
Alongside the many talking heads, there is archive footage going right back to the early days of oiled hair and pencil moustaches.
But it is only really once Perry is on the scene that there seems to be a relative bounty of surviving video.
It moves on through the ages, right up to the 2014 BRHA final game of the season, as the Jags won the Souths most important league tournament of the year before their 20th.
During those 20 years, countless danglers and goon hockey players have dazzled the various fan factions.
As well as all the present players we would like to thank Andy Edwards, Gavin Lacey, Brent Stratton, Matt Attrill, Nick Lobb, Dave Orme, Setti Mulari and Anthony Fertnig.
And of course we would like the thank the referees and Ron Diapera for coming back to manage the bench.
Below are various snapshots from the event...


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