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Autumn Update for 2016

Created on 18 November 2016 Hits: 2716
Welcome to the Autumn Update for 2016
Welcome to the Autumn Update for 2016, I will try to do these as often as possible so I can get my message out to the lads.
Firstly I would like to welcome Lewis to the club, he seems a nice lad and looks like he will fit in well with all at the club. We wish him all the best and hope he enjoys his hockey with the Jags.

Feedback from the last few games gentlemen, very impressed with the team and the fighting spirit we showed against the Cruisers. The lost against the Hornets was a tough pill to swallow but we showed character and came back to win the second game against a very good side. Let’s carry this form on to the last 4 games of 2016, As I have already said we could have easily sulked and felt sorry for ourselves but we fought back and showed character gentlemen. Also congratulations to Jamie Andrews and Nick Perry for their first games of the season, they was rewarded for their hard work in training and they slotted in very well, no complaints gentlemen.

Tournament updates…I have got us booked in yet again to go to Spain in Spring, Please let me know your availability gentlemen and I will have more information on the next update.

Finally, as per the start we need to push to a great close for 2016 and one that sees us grow the overall club on year – but also sets up for a great start in 2017. As I write this, there are 36 days to Christmas Day and those will soon fly by – gentleman put the hardwork in now so we can relax and enjoy the festive period……happy hockey and happy reading.

All the best,

Steve the Jags

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