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Czeched Out

Category: Latest News
Created on 09 December 2019 Published on 09 December 2019
Written by Super User Hits: 738
The Southampton Jaguars import Tom Randula has had to end his time with the club and ride on home to his native Czech Republic. Randula was certainly a big character to have around. We will never forget his debut game, an evening friendly against the Wildcats. Barely 30 seconds into his 1st shift, The General turns to Vas, who was the man behind the move of the signing and said with a disproving grimace 'Who the hell is that?' followed by 'He has put skates on before right?' It has been a highly entertaining 6 years having Randy on the team and both on and off the rink and he will be sorely missed. All the guys wish Tommy Boom Boom the best of luck in the future.

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