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Jags Pickup the W's

Category: Latest News
Created on 13 November 2018 Published on 13 November 2018
Written by Super User Hits: 1322
The STILL Southampton Jaguars pick up their first 2 wins of the season!
A more settled team took to the rink against an inform Hornets B and KSF in the BIPHA South Premiership. With quite a few first team players missing there was a couple of impressive debuts by Danny Tocher and Danny Goodchild, who stepped up and proved their worth within this squad.
The Lads had 2 good wins and showed real character and determination to get the results. They beat KSF 5-3 and then went on to beat Hornets B 6-5. The lads are back in action on the 16th against the Checkers and Commandos.

Apologies for the lack of content as of late but behind the scenes we have been very busy planning for the busy Christmas period (Xmas Doo and Cup), the pending international tournaments for early next year, newly formed merchandise for the 1st & 2nd team and also the development of the soon to be formed Junior Cubs team...so keep an eye out for these upcoming notifications. And a BIG thank you to our sponsors for making all this possible, all the Lads and Cubs appreciate it!

Firstly the XMAS cup this year will take part on 17th December, the ref, venue and refreshments have already been booked and ready to go BUT this year we will be doing it a little differently...this will be announced very soon and all for a good cause, watch this space!

Secondly we have been invited for a couple of fixtures in Belgium as part of the IICC - Inline International Challenge Cup. These will take place over a Saturday/Sunday then the return leg back at Bisley/Bordon depending upon avaialbilty/time scales. We are looking forward to this and appreciate the invite.


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