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Sponsors renew Social Jags

Category: Latest News
Created on 04 October 2018 Published on 04 October 2018
Written by Super User Hits: 988
Sponsors renew Jags socially for 2 more years!
The website and all other social aspects have now been running since January 2011 and been fully supported by our sponsor. The Jags were one of the first and are now the leading the light in the social media world for many of the clubs in the UK, who have now followed suit.
We are delighted to announce they have just renewed our website and domain for another 2 years as well as all our other paid features within the other social app aspect as well as supporting the newly formed JagsTV. The Jags are very grateful for their continued support and cant wait to unveil the new and updated website in the near future. We cant thank them enough and cant wait to repay them on the field.
General Manager Steven Jeffery said "The sponsors are able to keep an eye on us through our website and Facebook pages and have been very impressed with the content they have seen so far. They really enjoyed the introduction of JagsTV and documentaries they have seen posted. They were delighted to renew our social aspect for another 2 years and I am personally very grateful for the additional support they are supplying to the JagsTV, the lads there are chuffed to bits with the upcoming deliveries they will be receiving."

The lads are back in action at Bisley 14th October at 9am. They then have a few friendlies at Bisley by request from the newly formed Konixx Raptors.

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