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Crossover Cup III 2013 - Report

Hits: 2580
The Southampton Jaguars finish 5th at the Crossover Cup 3, Lutterworth (8th-9th June).

The Jags competed in the Crossover Cup III with 7 players in a 2 day tournament against SE Steam Rollers, Cruisers, Hitemen, BRHA Misfits, Jokers, Oxford Blues, Uni Select, Leicester Dragons and Midlands Alliance.
They started Day 1 with an impressive 5-4 win against the Oxford Blues, it took a bad 1st period to get settled into the surroundings going down 4-2 at the break but after a stern half time talk the lads pulled it back to 5-4 with a hat-trick from Craig Weedon and goals from Barrow and Wiggins. (Barrows 1st goal for the Jags on English soil).
Game 2 was against the eventual winners Uni Select, the lads started well going into half time 2 up from Perry and West but half time seemed to stop the momentum and the Jags were unable to control the game and scoreline, they eventually went down 5-3 with Perry getting his second of the game.
Game 3 was more of a case of lessons learned from the Uni Select game. The lads went ahead again but this time were able to hold onto the lead. This game was more of a physical contest with the likes of Adam West being thrown out of the game and a lot higer penalty count for both teams. In the end the Jags came through the battle to win 5-4 with goals from Vas, Barrow, West and Weedon (2). Highlight of the game was the Bash Brother sandwich by Wiggy and Vas, which was also captured on video by Setti Mulari #21
After a good camping experience, BBQing and sleeping in the cold, the Jags were ready for Day 2.
In their final group game the Jags faced the Leicester Dragons. Both teams needed to win if they wanted to grab 2nd place. With Weedon missing for Day 2 Lee Brown took his place. The Jags started well going 1 up from Vas but the Dragons replied with 2 quick-fire goals to make it 2-1. Brown added alot of energy and created chances but the Jags were unable to capitilize. In the end tired legs and being a player down in the 2nd period took its toll, the Jags did not have enough to win the game, with 2 other goals from Barrow and Perry meant the Jags eventually lost 6-3.
The 2nd game of Day 2 meant the Jags were to face the Hitmen in the 5th-8th Semi Final. This was a close-fought game but in the end it was the defence that came out on top. A special mention has to go to Chris Orme for his 1st shut out for the Southampton Jaguars. With a goalie in this sort of form breathes confidence to the rest of the team to go out and play. The Jags won this contest 1-0 with a goal from Vas in the 1st period.
The final game of the tournament was the same opposition as the 1st, Oxford Blues. This was for the 5th-6th play off. Again the Jags started well going 1 nil up early on with a goal from Vas. The Blues soon replied to make it 1-1, just before the break West made it 2-1 with a big winde up slapshot just inside the half way line. After the break the Jags were beginning to get sloppy and found themselves down 3-2. Perry made it 3-3 with an excellent goal batting the puck out of the air. Then again with not long to go the Jags found themselves behind 4-3, this lead to the team pulling the netminder for the final minute of the game. The Jags made the extra man count with good offensive pressure causing the Blues to cough up the puck in their defensive zone, Perry was able to steal the puck and pass to Barrow who had his back to goal just out side of the crease, he was able to control the puck and do a spin-a-round slap shot through the goalies 5 hole, the Jags made it 4-4 with 1 second left on the clock for a penalty shot extravaganza.
For the penalty shots, the 3 guys chosen were Vas, Perry and Barrow, if it went to a tie they were to take again on a sudden death basis. Vas went up 1st and scored, the Blues went up 2nd and their shot was saved by the 'Wall' Orme. Perry went up 2nd and was denied by the Blues goalie. Oxford scored their 2nd to tie it 1-1. Barrow stepped up for the Jags final penalty shot but was unable to reproduce the penalty shot goals he scored in the group stages and was denied. Oxford were again shut down by the 'Wall' for their final shot. For sudden death Vas stepped up first and scored in the opposite corner to his first to make it 2-1 this meant it was all down to Orme to bring the 5th place home...which he did in confident fashion saving the Blues 1st sudden death penalty shot.
Overall the Jags would like to thank Mike Lucas (SE Steam RollerS) for inviting us to the tournament and making it a memorable experience, see you again next time.


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