• Jags 2017

  • Jags 2017

  • Jags 2017

  • Jags 2017

Za studioZa studio
Venue: Bisley | ELITE League

Venue data
Address of venue Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Surrey,
GU24 0NP Brookwood,
United Kingdom of Great Britain 
Playground website: http://www.thelordrobertscentre.co.uk/

Club picture

Google maps

Venue Description

We are proud to house the only indoor roller hockey rink in the south of England and one of only three in the country! Teams from all over the south come to train at the Lord Roberts Centre together with BIPHA and BISHA holding their tournaments here. Not only is the rink used for inline hockey, lacrosse, five a side football and many other activities reqiring such an area.


BIPHA 2013-14 - Southampton Jaguars (JAG)

Teaminfo Southampton Jaguars established 1994 have competed in top level inline hockey since they were created. Since 2001 the Jags have been competing in the BIPHA Premier league and train at the Bisley arena. Before then The Jags competed in the BRHA League in which they was very successful winning several honors. The Jags are an ambitious club who look to play all over the world, since we have started we have travelled the world entering tournaments in USA, Slovakia, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and Spain.

BRHA 2013-14 - Southampton Jaguars (JAG)

Teaminfo Southampton Jaguars established 1994 have competed in top level inline hockey since they were created. Since 2001 the Jags have been competing in the BIPHA Premier league and train at the Bisley arena. Before then The Jags competed in the BRHA League in which they was very successful winning several honors. The Jags are an ambitious club who look to play all over the world, since we have started we have travelled the world entering tournaments in USA, Slovakia, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and Spain.

Battle Of Southampton - Team Garfield (GFD)

Battle Of Southampton - Team Pink Panther (PNK)

BRHA 2014-15 - Southampton Jaguars (JAG)

Teaminfo Southampton Jaguars established 1994 have competed in top level inline hockey since they were created. Since 2001 the Jags have been competing in the BIPHA Premier league and train at the Bisley arena. Before then The Jags competed in the BRHA League in which they was very successful winning several honors. The Jags are an ambitious club who look to play all over the world, since we have started we have travelled the world entering tournaments in USA, Slovakia, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and Spain.

BIPHA 2014-15 - Southampton Jaguars (JAG)

Teaminfo Southampton Jaguars established 1994 have competed in top level inline hockey since they were created. Since 2001 the Jags have been competing in the BIPHA Premier league and train at the Bisley arena. Before then The Jags competed in the BRHA League in which they was very successful winning several honors. The Jags are an ambitious club who look to play all over the world, since we have started we have travelled the world entering tournaments in USA, Slovakia, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and Spain.

BRHA 2015-16 - Southampton Jaguars (JAG)

Teaminfo Southampton Jaguars established 1994 have competed in top level inline hockey since they were created. Since 2001 the Jags have been competing in the BIPHA Premier league and train at the Bisley arena. Before then The Jags competed in the BRHA League in which they was very successful winning several honors. The Jags are an ambitious club who look to play all over the world, since we have started we have travelled the world entering tournaments in USA, Slovakia, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong and Spain.

BIPHA 2017-18 - Kingston Street Flyers (KSF)

BIPHA 2017-18 - Scape Goats (SGO)

BIPHA 2017-18 - Reapers (REA)

BIPHA PREM 2018-19 - Scape Goats (SGO)

BIPHA PREM 2018-19 - Reapers (REA)

BIPHA PREM 2018-19 - Kingston Street Flyers (KSF)

BIPHA DIV2 2018-19 - Elite Jags (EJA)

BIPHA PREM 2019-20 - Scape Goats (SGO)

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