Pink Helmet -February 2017

Created on 07 March 2017 Hits: 2196
Pink Helmet for February 2017
Pink Helmet for February 2017...
Who do you think deserved it this month???
Steven Jeffery Steve's cases for his nominees

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @wigg17 - James Wiggins'Falling through the bench door' Last time something hit the earth that hard the dinosaurs became extinct!

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @Nickperry22 - Nick Perry 'Forgetting his gloves' He would forget his balls if they weren't in a bag!

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @eewee3 - Iain Gunn 'Jumping the Gunn' Supposed teacher of the group coundnt count to 5 and got called for too many men!

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @jamie_a_andrews - Jamie Andrews 'Watch Out...Snipers About' for wasting police time trying to find the sniper at training a couple of weeks ago

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @west_61 - Adam West 'Being Westy' Receives a nomination again as he picked up last months award even though he was not even signed up in January. Hes all signed up now and on SO so we are happy for him to receive it for this month.

Congratulations Nick for receiving this months award.

The PINK HELMET winner for February is @peznicholas. Forgetting kit is always frowned upon at the club so turning up to training without gloves is never going to go down well with the manager.