Pink Helmet - December 2016

Created on 06 December 2016 Hits: 2143
Pink Helmet for December 2016
Pink Helmet for December 2016...
Who do you think deserved it this month???
Steven Jeffery Steve's cases for his nominees

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @easygunn for being over pumped up and shooting out of the gate like a rocket which resulted in a collision with his own team-mate

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @tom_fxr for trying to text some players but getting confused as to why he heard nothing back only to find he was in fact texting himself

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @peznicholas for a slap shot so bad, even the manager Steve heard about it whilst on holiday in Gibraltar before the puck found the net.

PINK HELMET NOMINEE: @curtjeffery for cutting it fine between playing hockey and getting to the hospital in time for the arrival son number 2

Congratulations Tom for receiving this months award.