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Presentation Doo Review

Created on 13 July 2018 Hits: 15299
Southampton Jaguars Presentaton Review
Firstly everyone at the Jags would like to extend our gratitude to Browns Bar in the heart of Northam, Southampton. The owners Kerry and Harvey were great hosts, very accomodating and helped contribute to it being a very special night. We were very impressed with the facililties and the amazing home made food, which seperate it from the rest of the venues in the area. Kerry and Harvey put on a very impressive spread, which was all homemade which more than catered for all 18 of us. We were fortunate to be their during the World Cup game which added to the already amazing atmosphere.
Brown’s, is a new up and coming pub which is family friendly. Its made special with its AMAZING staff, lovely atmosphere and food. It has all the facilities needed for hosting special events and parties, we truly recommend this to all when planning your special event.

Onto the presentation evening...Where do we start? The 'QUIZ' of course!
The main man! The host! Nicholas Kuy Perry from JagsTV did an excellent job, he went into FULL diva mode and did a great job entertaining for the evening! The DJ who assisted him Champagne Bubbly, also did a great job playing the latest garage/grime music in between rounds and for the rest of the evening.

The winners of The 'QUIZ' with an impressive 18 points! James Hounsome and Miss Lauren, they received a very special prize...photos to follow.

Onto the Presentations: -

Quiz Winners - James Hounsome and Miss Lauren

Coaches Player Award - Lee Brown

Players Player Award - Nicholas Kuy Perry

Managers Player Award - Maarten Vanthillo

ELITE Star of the Year - Adam West

#jags #wecreate #itscominghome #bethejagUare #elitehockey #bipha

Please also go follow Browns bar at:


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