Transfer Signings - May 2013

Created on 14 May 2013 Hits: 3084
It's been a busy month with last minute transfer signings,Steve Jeffery had to move fast as Sparta Cup was ever approaching.
Steve said "It gives much pleasure to welcome old and new faces to the club, Welcome Adam, Mark, Jake and Matt".
Below are a few comments from Steve Jeffery to give you a quick brief on all the new faces....Welcome to the Jags.

We welcome back Adam Giles for his second spell at the club. We originally binned him off a few seasons ago for being too skinny, he has now come back bigger and bulkier, people say it might be roids?...but were not sure if it is steroids or hemorrhoids!

Secondly we welcome Mark Barrow to the club. Due to the economic crisis Mark has decided to delay his retirement and try his hand at hockey again...people say he is Pablo Picasso or Walking Picasso.

Finally we like to introduce 2 Welsh Boys Jake Porter and Matt Batterbee. Its good to see 2 guys come from the Valleys...lets hope they don't go on the Voice and Tom Jones tries to snap em up.