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Pink Helmet - January 2014

Created on 05 February 2014 Hits: 2702
Pink Helmet for January 2014
Pink Helmet for January 2014...
Who do you think deserved it this month???
Steven Jeffery Steve said "This month you could say there has been the Usual Suspects as they say.

Adam West After looking at his picture of when he last got it, I have put him up for nomination because I believe he actually enjoys it!, not also to mention the waving at the camera incident...

Iain Gunn Missing an open net against Borehamwood...need I say more?

James Wiggins and Nick Perry They spend 1 week in Vegas and come back with accents acting like superstars!!!

Tim Richards Its not the fact that he fell over the red line using his wrist as a brake but its the fact he made it that far up the pitch without getting a nose bleed as well as a broken wrist!

Mark Barrow One of the training sessions I thought we had re-signed Ben Hammond when I saw a stick flying through the air...but when I looked over I saw it was him

The award will be announced next Training...

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